What do the clusters of traffic accidents represent?
The clusters represent the localities with statistically significant concentrations of traffic accidents on the segments of roads and motorways.
Why aren’t individual traffic accidents depicted?
The aim of this web-map application is to provide information about dangerous localities where traffic accidents occur more often than elsewhere. Tens of thousands of events are recorded every year and therefore the visualization of the entire set would be chaotic. The clusters delimit the most dangerous places.
Which road classes were analyzed?
We analyzed highways and regional roads (class I., II. and III). The street network (in urban areas), local and secondary roads were excluded.
What time period was analyzed?
We worked with data from 2009 - 2013.
What does a cluster mean for me as a driver?
It is a locality where a traffic accident could happen within the respective road section.
Why do the certain clusters from different categories overlap?
Every accident is described by several characteristics (e.g. main cause, collision type, outcomes, etc.) and therefore some records may overlap. For example, the overlap is possible among the following categories: death or serious injury outcomes, two vehicle collisions, blocked view. Numerous combinations are possible.
Where can I learn more about the KDE+ method?
The method was presented for the first time in a paper by Bíl et al published in Accident Analysis & Prevention in 2013. We also prepared a website about the KDE+ method with a stand-alone offline application (www.kdeplus.cz).